I was deplatformed from social media, and it wasn’t for my political views.

Tim The Nerd
4 min readMay 13, 2021

Hi. I’m Tim The Nerd, a livestreamer and YouTuber. I’ve been deplatformed from 2 social media sites Reddit and Twitter, and the reasons were not political at all.

My Twitter account’s @TimTheNerdTV and @TimTheNerdTV1 got caught in Twitter’s spam filter and suspeneded in February 2020, and any and all emails to Twitter employees have been ignored. This is a simple fix that nobody wants to help with as support is run by automation/bots. When I was able to get an active account Twitter employees actively blocked me for tweeting at them for support. This is wrong and should be dealt with, but Twitter employees don’t seem to care.

I was also part of Periscope, Twitter’s former livestream app. I had 4.7k followers there and frequently streamed as it was integrated with Twitter. I was a VIP member, which was their verification type program. My Periscope was disabled immediately when my Twitter was suspended. Periscope has since been discontinued in March 2021, and the features were brought directly to Twitter.

The second is Reddit. Reddit has been mainstream for buying up GameStop stock and others. Many people don’t know Reddit has a livestream platform called RPAN/Reddit Live. I was deplatformed in December 2020, all for acknowledging that they prioritize streamers as many of the same creators get top spot constantly. The mods gave excuses when I reached out and asked why I was banned from RPAN. I told my followers that I was wrongly banned from RPAN and was subsequently banned from Reddit altogether. I have been told my many that I was the most wholesome streamer with autism and feel the need to use a platform to become the “Autistic Mr. Rodgers”. I’m not political so this isn’t silencing me because of my political beliefs. I feel this is an attack on my autism as I’m openly autistic, and my personality. I feel they banned me unfairly then gave excuses to keep me banned from Reddit altogether.

Attached below is the appeal I have sent to Reddit quoting their TOS that I never broke:


I have been having problems with Reddit that Reddit Support replies won’t completely answer. I was a Reddit user u/TimTheNerdTV and u/TimTheNerdTV1. u/TimTheNerdTV was recently unsuspended and subsequently resuspended (For ban evasion when u/TimTheNerdTV1 was suspended) after 4 years. u/TimTheNerdTV1 was banned on all the Reddit Live RPAN subreddits by the mods, who when asked, couldn’t provide specific evidence of said rule violations. They claimed: 1. Harassment- I have never harassed anybody on anybodys stream or my own. 2: Spreading misinformation- I was giving observations on RPAN algorithms and viewership changes. 3. Brigading and encouraging harassment of the mods- all I did was post on my Reddit profile about my RPAN site ban and stated it was unfair and that I was appealing it. 4. Abusing the report button- All I do is report comments that to me are hurtful or harassing. This can prove that I didn’t break any said violations. I was then subsequently suspended for harassment when I notified my Reddit followers about the situation. I have had my alt account u/TimTheNerdTV suspended just for using it after the previous account was suspended. I was livestreaming content that was very wholesome, such as karaoke singing, playing video games, and chatting with my audience. I had 3.8k followers that were enjoying my content. I can prove I did not do anything wrong. The RPAN mods won’t consider any appeals but won’t provide any specific evidence of what rules they say I violated. I’m hoping that by reaching out that you could help correct this situation. I never felt I did anything wrong and hope to be a productive member of Reddit and will be allowed livestreaming in the future. Please reply back if you can help or if can’t. Note that I expect a reply back either way.

Also it says that Reddit won’t discriminate against anyone.

“Rule 1: Remember the human. Reddit is a place for creating community and belonging, not for attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people. Everyone has a right to use Reddit free of harassment, bullying, and threats of violence. Communities and people that incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned.

Marginalized or vulnerable groups include, but are not limited to, groups based on their actual and perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, immigration status, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, or disability. These include victims of a major violent event and their families.”

However because I am openly autistic and was vocal about it on RPAN I feel that they are using it as another reason to keep me off the site and off of RPAN. I truly did nothing wrong and 3800+ followers will tell you the same.

You guys are being discriminatory and you know it by ignoring my emails and keeping my accounts suspended on Reddit.

It also says in Reddit’s TOS that “Reddit is a place for conversation, and in that context, we define this behavior as anything that works to shut someone out of the conversation through intimidation or abuse, online or off…Being annoying, downvoting, or disagreeing with someone, even strongly, is not harassment.”

By shutting down my accounts it proves that Reddit is the one doing the harassment in this case. I was not doing anything wrong and have proven that by stating what happened.

It’s been awhile now. I want my accounts back.

Tim (u/TimTheNerdTV1)”

This is wrong and I feel the need to call both Twitter and Reddit out. I had 5.2k followers and 3.8k respectively. Bad PR may overturn these bans. Time will tell.

February 2022 Update: https://imgur.com/a/y5zFTRO Here is a link to every screenshot for evidence.

